• Global citizens
    in a shared world

Growing and progressing civilization is in our hands. The Baha’i Faith states that all people “have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization,” to bring about global unity and secure its ever-lasting peace.

Growing and progressing civilization is in our hands. The Baha’i Faith states that all people “have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization,” to bring about global unity and secure its ever-lasting peace.

Therefore, the impact of raising children that are guided by moral values extends far beyond the home. You can then think of raising children as a parent’s contribution to global citizenship! Even if you aren't familiar with the Baha’i Faith, you can still raise children to be global citizens. No parent is an island. The Baha’i community encourages parents and children alike to grow together.

"Let your vision be world-embracing, rather than confined to your own self."

In service to our communities

We love our families. What happens when we extend that love to the neighborhood around us? How might that impact us as parents and the development of our children?

We love our families. What happens when we extend that love to the neighborhood around us? How might that impact us as parents and the development of our children?

Building community, as volunteers, teaching classes to educate children and empower youth, is an important process for everyone in a community. This community building effort is important for Baha’is. These neighborhood classes cultivate the tender hearts of our young ones to be opened to the joy of service to others in their homes and communities. Baha’is hope to always learn from others and engage in meaningful conversation with parents from all beliefs regarding moral values and raising children to be global citizens.

Amber of NOLA

a little video story

Here to be of service to others... this is the way I see to build community. Amber (New Orleans, LA)


Talk to someone about children’s classes and connect with Baha’is near you.

All can participate and contribute to neighborhood spiritual education for children, and join the Baha’i community in learning to tend to these precious resources.


What is the Baha'i Faith?

Baha’is work to build an open community striving for spiritual and social transformation throughout the world.

The Baha’i Faith teaches that there is one God, that all humanity is one family and that there is a fundamental unity underlying religion.

Founded by Baha’u’llah in the mid-1800s, the Baha’i Faith is among the fastest-growing of the world’s religions.

Learn more at Bahai.us.


Talk to someone about children’s classes and connect with Baha’is near you.

All can participate and contribute to neighborhood spiritual education for children, and join the Baha’i community in learning to tend to these precious resources.


Let's talk soon!
