• Teaching our children
    moral values

With the day-in and day-out of feeding, clothing and housing children, how do we teach virtues in such a way that it guides a child’s behavior?

With the day-in and day-out of feeding, clothing and housing children, how do we teach virtues in such a way that it guides a child’s behavior?

The Baha'i community believes a child is like a mine rich in gems of inestimable value and that education is what allows their potential to flower. Perhaps teaching virtues is a rhythm of life for the whole family to practice and should not be done only when a child has misbehaved. It requires developing new habits. It requires us to tend to our garden. The balance is tricky. Opinions, judgments and parenting styles are many, and we feel the consequences so deeply.

"Children are even as a branch that is fresh and green; they will grow up in whatever way you train them."

Modeling moral values

It is inspiring to envision a family where the comfort of one is the comfort of all. What a worthy goal for every family. How do you talk about virtues with your kids?

It is inspiring to envision a family where the comfort of one is the comfort of all. What a worthy goal for every family. How do you talk about virtues with your kids?

Learning how to talk as a family, to explore virtues and spiritual qualities, can be such a foundational attribute that all can develop. For parents it becomes so important to model virtues to demonstrate how they can be expressed to our children. Of course, the powerful effect of teaching and disciplining based on virtues will not be seen overnight. Imagine, though, if every bedtime story was dedicated to highlight those family principles. Little by little, day by day, these principles form the cornerstone of a strong family.

Adventures in parenting

a little video story

We use language to make other people feel good. Emeric (Chicago, IL)


Talk to someone about children’s classes and connect with Baha’is near you.

All can participate and contribute to neighborhood spiritual education for children, and join the Baha’i community in learning to tend to these precious resources.


What is the Baha'i Faith?

Baha’is work to build an open community striving for spiritual and social transformation throughout the world.

The Baha’i Faith teaches that there is one God, that all humanity is one family and that there is a fundamental unity underlying religion.

Founded by Baha’u’llah in the mid-1800s, the Baha’i Faith is among the fastest-growing of the world’s religions.

Learn more at Bahai.us.


Talk to someone about children’s classes and connect with Baha’is near you.

All can participate and contribute to neighborhood spiritual education for children, and join the Baha’i community in learning to tend to these precious resources.


Let's talk soon!
